Iñaki Pontón

L’Iñaki ha iniciat la seva pròpia explotació durant aquest any 2024. Després de formar-se a l’Escola de Pastors, va treballar amb diferents ramaders del massís de Muntanya de Prades fins que ha pogut accedir a … Llegir més

Ivan Tripiana

The project “Som quatre cabres” is born from the passion for animals and the natural environment, from the fact of thinking that we are part of nature, and from believing in the idea that extensive … Llegir més

Joan Manubens

Joan creates the La Brolla project as a result of his passion for the territory. They have gathered a herd of goats and sheep of native breed. With them they mange the forest and guard … Llegir més

Can Mimó

At Can Mimó David Pérez manages a municipal property for the reduction of forest biomass in strategic areas for fire risk prevention. David makes dairy products from their own herd, goat meat, as well as … Llegir més

Eliseu Prieto

Extensive grazing production runs in Eliseu’s family. His father was in charge of a herd of more than 800 heads, and they both moved their herd seasonally to the north of Catalonia. Together with his … Llegir més

Isidro Martorell

Isidro, with the occasional help of his brother, manages a 500 head herd in the municipality of Febró, Prades and Capafonts. He has been a shepherd since he was a child, but he also collaborates … Llegir més

David Arenas

David, together with Verónica, manages 600 heads of cattle, kept in two different farms. Their grazing area is in Alcover, Mont-ral, Farena, Cogullons, Rojals and Montblanc, depending on the availability and quality of the pastures. … Llegir més

Arnau Recasens

Arnau, apart from being the shepherd of a herd of 140 goats in the process of expansion, is the president of the Association of Shepherds of Prades and Montsant Mountains. Every day he goes out … Llegir més

Daniel Giraldo

Daniel is a shepherd with a great vocation. He spends practically all day with hislivestock, whether grazing, milking, processing, making improvements in the corral orany other task that involves an improvement in the welfare of … Llegir més