Video ramats de foc
Project video

We enhance the herds’ contribution to fire risk management, through grazing in strategic forest areas.

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Recovery of livestock infrastructures

We support it within the framework of the PREPAST project to recover extensive grazing and fight against rural depopulation in the Pre-Pyrenees of Lleida (Serra del Montsec and de Boumort)

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Hoses for the climate

Bombers Solidaris (Barcelona firefighters) has promoted a project to make use of disused hoses to make key rings. The profits from the sale of the keychains will go to Ramats de Foc.

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Fire risk management with pastures

We enhance the contribution of herds to fire risk management, through grazing in strategic forest areas. With the “Fire Flocks” label, we promote the continuity of livestock activity in the territory and the recognition of the ecosystem services that extensive livestock farming provides to society. You can help create and maintain these fire-adapted landscapes by actions as simple as consuming products from nearby herds. Thanks for making it possible!

Latest incorporations

Actors directory

Paco Royo and Rosa Pereira


Sant Celoni
Vallès Oriental

Raquel Servitja


Claret de Cavallers

Josep Maria Saurí


Sant Celoni
Vallès Oriental

Campaign Diary

All our posts

Presentation of the “Payment for ecosystem services for extensive grazing”

We presented this programme to the shepherds of RdF, which we work together with the CTFC and the DACC. It was an online meeting where the participants could express their doubts and contributions regarding this new payment.

In festivals

The city has called us: we have talked about grazing and responsible consumption at the Meat&Fire Festival. we have also been to Sónar, which once again supports us and serves cheeses from the “Fire Flocks” shepherds.

Paying a visit to Can Plana farm

Within the framework of the “Mefitu” environmental education program, students from the Vallgorguina school learned the importance of herds in forest management.

We are at the “Taula del Foc” in Alta Garrotxa

We started to define the areas and action strategies for fire risk management. Prescribed silvopasture was seen as a transversal element with an impact on landscape management and the vulnerability of the territory.